Monday, April 02, 2007


Wow, things are going amazing right now in my spiritual life.

My dad gets voted on at New Middleton Baptist next Sunday (Easter). This is very exciting. I've set foot in that church twice thus far, and I have fallen completely and utterly in love with this church and the people in it. It's an incredible answer to prayers. I really hope we get called there.

I've been looking over some of my previous posts on here, and I didn't realize how bitter and hurt I had been from the last church. It was pretty bad.

However, this new church is like a breath of fresh air. There is even someone there my age!!!! So exciting :)

I really feel God in that church, and it's been so long since I could say that about a church. I feel so much closer to Him now then I have in over a year.

He's so good to me...much more than I deserve.

Praise God for this new beginning!

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