Saturday, April 07, 2007


I'm really kinda frustrated. I've got a lot going on, and I feel really crappy about it.

  1. Considering I'm on the Ag. Council, AND an officer, Ikinda really need to be at the Ag. Banquet...Well aparently, the last day to get a ticket was Friday...Yeah, I didn't know that. So i'm going to have to do something to make sure that I can get into the banquet.
  2. I'm taking an online class, and the past 2 assignments I didn't get turned in...and I didn't get the one that was due on Friday either...this is not ok....
  3. I've got ANOTHER macro test Wednesday....I just had one last week!
  4. Got a Food Processing test Monday, and a plant science and agribusniness test coming up as well....Wanting to crawl in a hole about now.
So that's about it. i feel better now.

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