Saturday, July 14, 2007

"It's a Champagne Supernova"

I hate worrying. I also hate the control money has on all of our lives. This is something I've realized before, but it becomes increasingly apparent while doing my wedding planning. Several people have stepped up and are helping me find an inexperienced wedding far I've found one for $200...and that covers everything! The problem...I haven't seen any of her work. I'm thinking that will be remedied soon though.

I've also met a very gracious and lovely wedding planner who is willing to help me at a beyond reasonable cost, which is just incredible.

I know everything will work out, and the key to getting through this and getting through this successfully is Jesus, and he's doing an amazing job. I've just gotta trust him.

If you have any suggestions, or wanna donate money, let me know! lol.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Let me brag on my fiance

Michael is so sweet :) Yesterday he took me on an excellent date! We went to Boundr'y in Nashville...and even though the food wasn't all that great, the time together was amazing! I also learned that I don't like rack of

After a lovely dinner (and AMAZING dessert!) we ventured to Opry Mills and had a lovely time at Barnes and Noble. I heart that store!

We got back to his house, and he got online and ordered me the book I've been wanting really badly...Amy Vanderbilt's Complete Guide to Etiquette, the 50th anniversary edition!!! I can't wait til it gets here!

Ok, enough bragging for now, lol.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

My cat likes walking on my keyboard

So yesterday was a happy day. It marked exactly one year from my wedding day! I can't wait! we got to go see his family, eat BBQ, and watch fireworks! Fun times were had.

I feel gross. I've been in bed all day, and I feel like death on a cracker.

Cleaning my room and my bathroom is high on my priority list, and as soon as I can move without wanting to die, I'll get to that.

So far I'm enjoying planning my wedding. I can't wait for the showers to start! Registering for things is going to be exciting as well! i'm trying my best to enjoy all of this wedding stuff, since I'm never going to go through it again. Like when I went dress shopping. I felt like a princess, and all eyes were on me. I normally am not one for the limelight, but I'll confess, I do enjoy it every once and a while.

Ok, I think I'll go try to take a shower now. Everyone likes a good smellin Dana!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Jewel, Shopping, and Friends

So a few weeks ago, my fiance took me to go see Jewel in concert in Nashville! It was incredible! She sang amazingly, she was nice, AND she played the song i requested! How cool is that?! That was indeed the BEST concert I've ever been to, and Michael was incredible for taking me!

Michael also took me shopping on Saturday! We went to TJ Maxx and looked at this AWESOME purse that was $20! It was gorgeous, leather and pink! He offered to buy it for me, but I declined. We then went to Target and found some GREAT cologne for him that I absolutely LOVE! MMMM. While we were there I found this INCREDIBLE perfume that I've fallen in love with called "Tuesday." I've GOT to get some of it if i ever get some money! After that we went to Books A Million, which i LOVE, and he bought me a new wedding planner, since i didn't really care for the one that I already had.

Wow, our wedding is getting close! lol, not really, but earlier Saturday I went dress shopping with my mom, and 2 of my bridesmaids, and one of their moms. It was incredible, due to the fact that I GOT MY DRESS! Get this, it's a discontinued dress that was $700...but it was marked down to.......$249!!!! No joke! And it's PERFECT! it was the only one I tried on, and I KNEW it was THE dress!!!! Even though the wedding is a year away, you CANNOT pass up a deal like that!

So moving on to Sunday night, Michael and I hung out with our married friendsyu 778 (and my cat just walked across the keyboard) friends Joseph and Nicole. We went to go see Ratatouille and then we grabbed a bite of dinner. I love it when we have group dates :) they are wonderful. Plus they have great wedding advice for us! :)

OK, well now everyone is caught up in the craziness that is my life :)