Saturday, July 14, 2007

"It's a Champagne Supernova"

I hate worrying. I also hate the control money has on all of our lives. This is something I've realized before, but it becomes increasingly apparent while doing my wedding planning. Several people have stepped up and are helping me find an inexperienced wedding far I've found one for $200...and that covers everything! The problem...I haven't seen any of her work. I'm thinking that will be remedied soon though.

I've also met a very gracious and lovely wedding planner who is willing to help me at a beyond reasonable cost, which is just incredible.

I know everything will work out, and the key to getting through this and getting through this successfully is Jesus, and he's doing an amazing job. I've just gotta trust him.

If you have any suggestions, or wanna donate money, let me know! lol.

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