Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Calm in the Fury

Yay! It's storming right now. i love to listen to the thunder and watch the lightening.

So onto other things.

I was driving home from class today, and everyday on my way home I drive by the Veteran's Hospital. Today, however, it got me to thinking.

All of the Veterans out there have done an incredible thing for all of us. They put their lives on the line to protect us and our freedom. In my opinion, they deserve the best we can give them, and better. Most of them didn't have to do what they did, and therefore we should repay them greatly.

I'm utterly ashamed at how horrid the conditions are becoming in the Veteran's hospitals, and how much we don't provide for them.

I've known of soldiers losing their current employment because they were in the service. This is sooo WRONG!

They deserve hotel-esque suites in the hospitals they have to visit, the utmost psychological care from the TOP psychologists, ALL of their healthcare taken care of for free to them, and retirement on top of everything else.

These men and women do the unimaginable for us...all of us, no matter who we are. They fight for the greatful, the ungreatful, the mean, the nice, the good, the evil...EVERYONE. They sometimes go through the unimaginable medical and psychological ordeals, and all our government does is give them the bare minimum.

This is just something that really bothers me.

My dad is a veteran, I have friends that are currently in the service, and there are so many that have given their lives.

I want to say thank you to all of the soldiers and veterans out there who keep us safe and defend our freedom.

Ya'll rock.

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