Friday, April 27, 2007

Can't win for losing


So, I think I have a job...

I applied today at Java Joe's (a little coffee shop/eatery in town), and got an interview right away. It was pretty exciting, and it pays $7.50/hr. Not too shabby. It's the most i've ever gotten paid per hour in my life.

So I called and told my dad (he was expecting me to apply at TSC, more about that later.) and he wasn't happy when I told him where I had potentially gotten a job. He wanted me to work at TSC cause of my ag major.

Well, after I got off of the phone (and being very downtrodden because i've been harped on so much for needing to get a job) I went to TSC to apply. They weren't friendly at all, and they weren't hiring. But I submitted my app. anyway.

My dad thinks that because I have an almost completed college education, that I should be getting a job in my field...which, let's be honest, isn't all that easy.

So Dad isn't happy when I don't have a job, and he isn't happy with the one i potentially have.

I just can win for losing.

I just want someone to be proud of me that I went in a place, requested an application, and immediatly got an interview, and an almost immediate "yes" that I got the job.

Time to go back to studying.

*I got the job!!!!


Scott-tea said...

Congrats on getting the job! I hope everything is going well for you at that finals are a breeze.

T said...

Well, I'm proud of you! Haha.