Monday, May 07, 2007

"It's not hard to fall, when you float like a cannonball..."

So I started my first official day of work, and it went pretty darn well! I'm really gonna like it there, however, the second day didn't go quite as well. My main problem is that I'm scared to death of messing up. I gotta get it through my thick head that I'm not going to master the art of coffeeesque making in one day. I'm determined to make tomorrow a FABULOUS day!

Kat's Wedding, on the other hand, went incredibly! We had so much fun. There was one bad thing that happened though. Michael was following me from Murfreesboro to Lebanon so I could drop my car off instead of having to mess with us having 2 cars going to and from the wedding was NO damage to either of our cars. With as hard as he hit me, there should have been something broken. The only thing that was actually hurt was my neck. I had a slight case of whiplash the next day, but all is well.

(Me, Lacy, Kat (the bride), Brenda, Mandy)

So I've been thinking a lot about my blog lately, and I used to have the mind set that it was mine and I wanted it to be kinda private. But after reading some other peoples blogs, i realize it's really ok for other people to read them and share their opinions and thoughts. I really enjoy it.

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