Thursday, September 20, 2007

They're Dropping Like Flies

Our cars are, that is. Mom's car died yesterday, but luckily it was a slipped belt. My car decided it was oil intolerant, and threw it up under the car...but God was good again, and it was a faulty oil filter. Michael's car blew a head gasket, and well, is now in an eternal sleep. Plus, Michael's roommates car got sick, as well as Michael's dad's and brother's cars. This hasn't been a good month to be a car that knows me!

But we are all managing.

Other news to report...SCHOOL. That's all I ever do anymore. Fun? Not really, but i wanna and gotta get the heck outta here!

I'm excited about going home this weekend. I always like going back home :)

I've discovered I really don't like all. But I do admit that it is much better than straight up math...or Ag Engineering for that matter.

I kinda miss having a life outside of the academic institution...huh, you know, they call school an institution, which makes me think of things like "Institution for the Criminally Insane," or "Institution for dangerous criminals," or how about "Institution for the deranged?" You think that they could have chosen a more appropriate word...oh wait, they did. lol

Ok, so enough of my strange rants. I need to do more homework...or surf the internet (just kidding mom!)

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