Friday, October 27, 2006

Let's Try This

So I'm thinking that I'm needing to find somewhere other than xanga to post. I may dual post between here and xanga, or I may just write different things on here. Who knows.

So as everyone probably knows, we are in the middle of election time. i don't know about anyone else, but the mudslinging campaigns here in Nashville are REALLY getting out of control. The candidates seem more interested in bad mouthing their opponents rather than telling people what they stand for. I, for one, don't appreciate this and think it's a total waste of time. I almost feel like running for congress and telling people i'm just in the race so there is someone who is honest, has nothing to hide, and isn't going to make others out to be satan. But we all know that i'm not eligible to run, so oh well.

That's about it for now. Maybe more later.

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