Sunday, October 29, 2006


So, Lately I've been thinking about why God has my family at the church we are at now. Things there have been hard and hurtful. We've been there little over a year, and I have yet to form a real bond with anyone there...especially in my age group.

Being a preacher's kid isn't all it's cracked up to be. Eventhough I'm in college I still live at home, and I feel it's important to go to our church whether or not I want to, because it's important to me to support my dad. People in the church have a tendency to forget me, and also to not realize how hurtful it is to me when people are malicious towards my family. I count too.

Things at church are very unstable. The focus isn't where it shoud be. There needs to be more focus on God, and less on starting problems. i don't understand why we can't all leave eachother alone, and focus on the only thing that matters...Jesus.

I know no one reads this, considering i just started it, but if there is someone out there, please pray for my family and for our church.

This is the first time i've been able to be on this subject and not want to fly off the handle.

i don't wish ill will on any of the church members (nice people or the mean ones), I just want to see God's will done, and people being at church for the right reason, and realizing that God is in charge, not them.

Someday this will all make sense. Until then, I'll keep pokin' along.

1 comment:

Benjamin said...


Thank you for this post. I understand how you feel. I sometimes think it's a miracle that more preacher's kids don't leave the church entirely, because we see so much of the messy stuff that goes on behind the scenes. I really admire you for keeping your eyes on Jesus through this. I'm here if you ever need to talk!